Scholarship information/deadlines will be updated as they are received. It is the student's responsibility to pick up or download the scholarship application and complete the forms as instructed. Students are encouraged to utilize online applications if they are available. The majority of scholarships are online. However, the scholarships that do not list a website can be found in the counselor's office. Please note that some applications may not be available until closer to the deadlines.
Please pay attention to the scholarship deadlines, requested materials(transcripts, essays, etc.), and where to turn in the completed applications. If letters of recommendation are needed, please give individuals sufficient time to complete these (approximately two weeks).
Scholarships in YELLOW are specific to WN students.
Each college/university has its scholarships for incoming freshmen. Please check your prospective college/university's financial aid website for more information.
Be aware of scams-As you search for scholarships, be aware of scholarship scams. Do not provide credit card information to use a free scholarship search. Be sure to read the fine print before providing too much information, as some companies may send you unwanted information about other services they offer or sell your information.
Please note: The scholarship postings do not represent an endorsement or an affiliation with these programs. The postings are potentially beneficial information for high school students searching for scholarships.
Deadline |
Scholarship | A place for Missouri students to find out scholarships and hundreds of other private scholarships offered throughout Missouri. | |
MO Scholarships | |
Other websites | | | | | | | | | | | | | | MO info | |
Greater Kansas City Scholarship Opportunities CLICK HERE | |
Show Me The Money Scholarships and Grants CLICK HERE | |
FFA | If you are in FFA you should check the FFA scholarships at: |
October 31 |
VFW Voice of Democracy: up to $35,000; Patriotic 3-5 minute audio essay competition; open to grades 9-12; CLICK HERE for more information. The theme is "Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?" Application: CLICK HERE |
November 12 | Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship: The Elks National Foundation will award 500 4-year scholarships to the highest-rated applicants in the 2025 competition. Applications will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Eligibility: Current HS Seniors who are citizens of the US; Applicants DO NOT need to be related to a member of the elks; Applicants must be a citizens of the US on the date their applications are submitted. Application: CLICK HERE |
December 19 | Amazon Future Engineers Scholarship: Plan to attain a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, or other computer science related field of study from an accredited 4-year college or from a 2-year college with the intent to transfer to a 4-year college Application: CLICK HERE |
December 31 | AGC of Missouri Education Foundation Scholarship Program: Applicants MUST desire a career in the construction industry upon graduation. This program provides scholarships to high school seniors entering construction-related programs in 2 or 4-year schools, tech schools, or apprenticeship programs. Application: CLICK HERE |
January | America's Farmers Grow Ag Leaders Scholarship: High school seniors through college juniors pursuing any ag-related field of study at a trade school, community college or four-year college or university can apply. For students pursing ag-related fields of study from agribusiness, to drone piloting to welding, the possibilities for careers in ag are endless. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 10 | Kelly Lynn Lutz Scholarship: Recipient needs to meet the following criteria: lost the life of at least one parent to cancer before age 22, be a US citizen and live in KS or MO, attend a 2 or 4-year high education, have an interest in education, arts, environment, math, or science, show service involvement in the community, church, school or other non-curricular activity, indicate financial need. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 15 | Nash Music Scholarship: This scholarship is available to seniors in high school and juniors in college. Must be pursuing a degree in music. Must be an accomplished musician and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 15 | Bernice Ostoff Scholarship-Kids First Education Foundation: Graduating Seniors in the Wellington-Napoleon R-IX School District planning to go on to receive higher education. Scholarships are not guaranteed. The annual foundation fundraising and number of applicants will determine awards. Applications will be anonymously reviewed by the scholarship committee. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 15 | Rabius Raulie Scholarship Application: Graduating Seniors from Wellington-Napoleon. Highly encourage FTA students and students pursing a career in education. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 17 |
JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship: High School seniors in the U.S. who plan to continue their education at accredited post-secondary colleges, universities, or vocational schools. The Missouri JCI Senate will pick 2 nominees to represent Missouri. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 21 | MSF Youth in Agriculture Scholarship: Active FFA or 4H participate at least once as an exhibitor at Missouri State Fair; Application: CLICK HERE When applying, it must be postmarked by January 21, provide the original application and 3 copies. Applicants MUST SELF_MAIL their application. |
January 24 | American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year: Must be a registered, active member of a Boy Scout Troop, Varsity Schout Team, or Venturing Crew Chartered to an American Legion post or Auxiliary unit of Sons of the American Legion squadron. Have received the Eagle Scout Award, be an active member of his religious institution must have received the appropriate Boy Scout religious emblem, and have demonstrated practical citizenship in church, school, scouting, and community. Have reached his 15 birthday and is enrolled in high school at the time of selection. Application: CLICK HERE |
January 31 |
Roberta Rodenberg Vocational Scholarship: Graduating Seniors in the Wellington-Napoleon R-IX School District planning to receive higher education at a trade school or vocational program. Scholarships are not guaranteed, but it is estimated that $1000 will be awarded annually to one recipient. Applications will be reviewed by the Kids First Education Foundation of Wellington-Napoleon Scholarship Committee. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 3 | James L. and Nellie M. Westlake Scholarship: Graduating senior planning to enroll in a 4-year college or university. ave a GPA of 2.5 or higher and a family-adjusted gross income of $60,000 or less Application: CLICK HERE |
February 4 | Elizabeth Spelman Health Career Scholarship: This scholarship will go to individuals who are pursuing a healthcare-related field. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 7 |
Dr. Jack Holley/MUSIC Scholarship: Print the application and submit it to the counselor. Only one application per district will be submitted; must be typed; a transcript; a letter of recommendation from the principal. Due Feb. 7 to the counselor for consideration as nominee; Final nominee must be postmarked by Feb 14. Once the application is open, click the down-pointing arrow to download the file to your Chromebook. Click show in folder. This is a fillable PDF--it will allow you to type directly into your document. When finished, click the download arrow again and choose Save with changes. Please email it to or bring a printed copy to the counselor's office. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 12 | Scholarships for Military Children Program: Unmarried children under the age of 23 of active duty. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 12 | Ray-Carroll County Grain Growers Scholarship: Seniors who are children of Ray-Carroll members or members of Ray-Carroll themselves and who are graduating this year from high school. Application: Counselor's Office |
February 14 |
John & Kathryn English Memorial Scholarship: Applicants must attend a high school in West Central Electric's service area or have a parent or legal guardian who is a current West Central Electric member. Cumulative GPA of 3.0, Must provide an ACT score or equivalent college entrance exam, participate in 4-H at the time of high school graduation, and two reference letters. Must be able to attend the interview on March 26th Application: CLICK HERE |
February 14 | Missouri Corn Growers Association: Applicants can be juniors or seniors. Must be residents of a Missouri farm or rural area. They also must plan to attend a 2-year or 4-year Missouri College or university and major in agronomy or related field. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 15 |
Ernest Flucke Memorial Scholarship: Graduating seniors in the Wellington-Napoleon R-IX School District are planning to receive higher education. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 15 | Rick Peterson Memorial Scholarship: Graduating seniors in the Wellington-Napoleon R-IX School District that are planning to receive higher education. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 15 | MFA Foundation Scholarship: Applicant must be a child or grandchild(including step_ of a member-level customer; Student will need to supply membership number and their relation to the member on the application. Students planning to attend a 2 or 4-year college or university. Application: CLICK HERE |
February 27 | Phil Roberts Scholarship: Graduates who would like to pursue a bachelor's degree with a major in business, science, or mathematics who attend MU, MUKC, MCC, Missouri State UCM, Northwest, Truman State Missouri Western, or Missouri Southern. Demonstrate financial need, evidence of academic ability to complete goals, and demonstrate character and leadership. Application: There are two applications CLICK HERE #1 CLICK HERE #2 |
February 28 | Better Business Bureau of the Midwest Plains/BBB Student of Integrity Scholarship: Recognizes students who demonstrate ethical behavior, humility, courage, compassion, and respect for their peers and community. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 1 | Donald L. Jeffries Booster Club Scholarship: Graduating Senior Scholar Athletes from Wellington-Napoleon R-IX who are planning to receive higher education. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 1 | FCS Financial Scholarship: Application: CLICK HERE |
March 1 |
Masonic Merit Scholarships: Available to students graduating this year from a Missouri high school, seeking to attend an accredited institution of higher education anywhere Samuel Smith Stewart Masonic Scholarship: Available to students graduating this year from a Missouri high school seeking to attend an accredited institution of high education anywhere. Ruth Lutes Bachmann Scholarship: Available to students graduating from a Missouri high school, seeking to attend an accredited institution of higher education in the degree of education or healthcare field. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 1 | Business Women of Missouri Scholarship: Show evidence of acceptance into an accredited program or course of study. Present a plan that identifies goals and objectives More Information and Application GO HERE |
March 1 | Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation: Provides need-based scholarships to the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen who attend college or career training. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 1 | Horatio Alger Scholarship: High school junior students who have displayed integrity and perseverance while facing adversity. CLICK HERE |
March 1 | Missouri Courage Scholarship: Seniors who plan to attend trade, college, or university. Students with academic achievement, activity involvement, community involvement, and diversity, demonstrate courage and commitment to enhancing the lives of LGBTQ individuals and social justice. Application: |
March 6 | Charles Lyons Foundation Scholarship: High School graduate who desires to attend college, technical, or trade school or pursue some other type of specialized education. Application: CLICK HERE or paper version in Counselor's Office |
March 7 | West Central Electric Scholarship: Applicants' parent or legal guardian must be a current WCE member, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and provide an ACT score. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 15 | Wellington Lions Vocational Scholarship: Graduating Seniors in the Wellington-Napoleon R-IX School District planning to receive higher education at a vocational school. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 15 | Nap-Well Homemakers Scholarship: Graduating Seniors in the Wellington-Napoleon R-IX School District planning to receive higher education. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 15 | Horatio Alger Scholarship: Must be enrolled as a full-time high school junior, have committed to pursue and complete a bachelor's degree, demonstrate financial need, be involved in co-curricular and community service activities, GPA of 2.0 Application: CLICK HERE |
March 21 | Lafayette County Cancer Coalition Scholarship: Students must have (or had) cancer, be a sibling of someone or a child of someone who is currently undergoing cancer treatment.CLICK HERE |
March 27 | The Todd Family Skilled Trades Scholarship: Graduating Senior from Wellington-Napoleon High School who chooses to enter the labor force by pursuing a skilled trade career. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 31 | Tabo Seed, LLC Scholarship: Resident of Lafayette, Ray or Saline counties, agricultural background, senior enrolled in a college, university, or technical training institute. Application: CLICK HERE |
March 31 | Glen Nadler Memorial Scholarship: WN Senior. Application: CLICK HERE |
First Sat. in April | Voiture 333 Nursing Scholarship: Students pursuing a degree in nursing. Application: CLICK HERE |
April 1 | West Central Electric Cooperative Electrical Distribution Systems Scholarship: Reside in the West Central Electric Cooperative Service Area, Participate in the interview, min 2.5 GPA, be admitted as a full-time student to the school of choice, and be accepted into that institution's electrical distribution systems program Application: CLICK HERE |
April 1 | Sweeney Family Trade Scholarship: Must be a citizen of Carroll County, Missouri, or any county bordering Carroll County, and must plan to enroll in a post-secondary program at an accredited trade school, selection will be based on citizenship, career goals, and if necessary, financial need. Application: Counselor's Office |
April 1 |
Odessa Optimist Club Scholarship: WN Seniors Application: CLICK HERE |
April 1 | Bour Memorial Scholarship: Lafayette County seniors Application: CLICK HERE |
April 4 | Journey of Faith Scholarship: Graduating seniors from Wellington-Napoleon who are planning to receive higher education. Application: CLICK HERE |
April 4 | West Central Electric Administrators of Special Education Scholarship: Students who will be going into the career of Special Education (PT/OT, Speech, Vision, etc) Application: CLICK HERE |
April 4 | Whitetail Unlimited -Davis Creek Chapter Scholarship: Any senior planning on pursuing their education at a trade, 2-year, or 4-year college/university. Application: CLICK HERE |
April 11 | Wellington-Napoleon CTA Scholarship: Graduating seniors from Wellington-Napoleon who are planning to receive higher education. Application: CLICK HERE |
April 30 | Kansas City Equipment Distributors Scholarship: Must be pursuing an associate of applied science degree or certificate in either Diesel Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Repair. Application: CLICK HERE |
July 1 | Bernice Ostoff Renewable Scholarship: Any student who received the Bernice Ostoff Scholarship during their senior year may apply for the renewable scholarship. Application: CLICK HERE |